5 Strategies for Modern Data Protection

Most enterprise IT organizations today struggle to even finish backups at all. That is, often the backup jobs are not able to completely process full or even incremental file sets in the time window available. It can be shocking to learn the truth of how much critical corporate data is assumed to be backed up but is not. It’s clear to those on the ground what’s going on. The amount of data to be backed up is growing exponentially, while resources (storage, network, servers) devoted to backup are constrained. Besides the amount of data, the locations and types of data have become more complex with applications, cloud data, and virtualized servers. Even if it were possible to throw more hardware at the problem, that would not solve it. IT staff valiantly keep legacy backup systems going with manual work or scripting, which lowers their productivity, and worse, the backups are extremely hard to use for data recovery. Legacy backup tools just aren’t

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